Kuntebunte Nr. 572
It’s my Body.
My own.
Or my won?
I don’t know yet,
how to describe it.
my thoughts are taking a walk
through the forest of my feelings.
Emotions everywhere.
No bushfires could ever burn them down.
if I’d try to get away
with all of them.
I won’t know
where the paths I would burn
will lead me…
in the middle of no-mind,
No-where, no-ego
Just I.
O Gone
Gone forever,
where the rivers stoped flowing
by starting to be a sea.
look at the valley
of emotions
all the toughts and fears
made their way throught it.
No forest anymore.
No food for bad emotions.
Clear pure air.
To breath
[Kuntebunt, 22.01.2020]